Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions

Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions - Syntheses, challenges and new opportunities
Lisboa, Portugal, 4th – 8th September

The aim of the EMAPI of 2017 is to promote the opportunity of sharing findings and experiences, and presenting syntheses of state-of-the-art knowledge on alien plant invasions in order to face the many challenges of this thematic and create new opportunities to address it. Scientists, managers and policy makers from around the world will interact and explore ways to face global and regional challenges presented by alien plant invasions, for the benefit of the present and future generations.

Duccio Rocchini, associate scientist of Ecopotential, will be an invited keynote speaker, with a plenary lecture on session "Chasing invasive species with high technology", talking about the opportunities offered by remote sensing for mapping the current distribution of invasive plants and the early detection of new incursions.

Registration and abstract submission is open until July 15th.

More information at: