ECOPOTENTIAL produced a varied array of tools and products available to be used by protected area managers and nature conservation scientists and practitioners; Models, algorithms, web-based tools for extracting Earth Observation maps and more… in this collection of “factsheets” it is possible to find quick information about their content and applications, and the contact of the relevant partner to stay updated about their development. The factsheets list include:

Web based services and catalogues:
- the DEIMS catalogue of In Situ metadata
- the Protected Areas from Space web browser
- the ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory (VLab)

- the software applied to the Camargue wetlands to analyse future droughts scenarios
- the EODESM software for extracting land cover maps and environmental variables from satellite data
- the gBay online platform for modeling ecosystem services (Bayesian Network)
- the SARWIND algorithm for calculating wins fields from SAR images
- the on line data services available through the VLab

- the ECOPOTENTIAL approach for defining Essential Variables for ecosystems
- the management of uncertainty in ecosystem modeling
- the method developed in HarHaNegev for assessing the anthropogenic impact in desert areas
- the use of remote sensing for detecting vegetation invasive species

Follow this link to the Factsheets page

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