• Project map


 Ecosystem Services (WP Leader: G. El Serafy - DELTARES)


Work package number: WP7 Start Date or Starting Event: Month 6
End Date: Month 48
Work package title

Ecosystem Services (WP Leader: G. El Serafy (DELTARES), ghada.elserafy[AT]deltares.nl)


The overall aim of WP7 is to combine multiple sources of ecosystem data (EO, in-situ measurements and ecosystem modelling) as input for spatial and temporal mapping of ecosystem services and their benefits.

Specific objectives include:

• Quantify the current provisioning of ecosystem services based on EO data (link WP4, WP5, WP6).

• Develop a prototype conceptual framework towards the sustainable protection, management and monitoring of ecosystem services.

• Develop generic tools to map the impact of ecosystem processes (natural and anthropogenic), and socioecological feedback mechanisms on the provision of ecosystem services (link to WP6.5 and WP8.4).

• Apply those tools to science-based, policy-relevant ecosystem management (in coordination with WP11), including risk assessment, protection level, and trans-disciplinary (stakeholder-driven) policy and planning activities (Task 11.2).

Download here the updates of the progresses in WP7 (last update February 2018)