• Project map


 In situ Monitoring Data (WP Leader: J. Peterseil - EAA)


Work package number: WP5 Start Date or Starting Event: Month 4
End Date: Month 40
Work package title

In situ Monitoring Data (WP Leader: J. Peterseil (EAA), johannes.peterseil[AT]umweltbundesamt.at)


The overall aim of WP5 is to provide access to existing relevant in-situ monitoring data to support modelling and analysis within the project context using state-of-the-art technologies. WP5 will also provide support the design and establishment of future monitoring campaigns and permanent plots in PAs. WP5 will:

• Identify and review relevant core and ancillary in-situ datasets based on project requirements (e.g. modelling approaches, ground-truthing or validation of EO data) and identify gaps.

• Identify and provide datasets on the historic evolution of ecosystems based on proxy data as input to the assessment of the effects of historic conditions to current ecosystem changes.

• Provide complete, consistent and standard compliant metadata for data quality assessment, data management and data analysis.

• Evaluate the representativeness of existing data for PAs e.g. in terms of coverage, grain, or accessibility in order to identify knowledge gaps and priority areas for EO.

• Develop user-oriented quality evaluation routines and procedures (data quality management) and web based quality evaluation software for in-situ data.

• Provide a framework for data harmonisation (temporal, spatial, and thematic dimensions) for relevant data related to data management and interoperability for time-series and geospatial data.

• Create a database capable of sharing interoperable data meeting the requirements for modelling and analysis within the project and beyond.

Download here the updates of the progresses in WP5 (last update February 2018)