• Project map


 Coordination and management (WP Leader: A. Provenzale - CNR)


Work package number: WP1 Start Date or Starting Event: Month 1
End Date: Month 48
Work package title Coordination and management (WP Leader: A. Provenzale (CNR), antonello.provenzale[AT]cnr.it)



WP1 has been devoted to the coordination and management of ECOPOTENTIAL, and assured smooth progression and effective achievement of project results, facilitating communication among the partners. The scientific coordination provided strategic guidance, ensuring interdisciplinary and efficient exchange between the WP Leaders. The administrative coordination has been responsible for all administrative and financial matters. The communication officer assured smooth communication within the consortium, managed the project web site and newsletter, and promoted dissemination and exploitation of the main project results in scientific and user-oriented contexts in collaboration with WP12. The whole coordination team monitored the progression of the different scientific tasks with the help of the consortium coordination team (CCT), which acted as the executive committee. WP1 organized/supervised the annual General Assemblies and the CCT meetings, has been in strict contact with the Advisory Board of the project and guaranteed contacts between the European Commission and the Consortium, including the regular reports to EC and the annual update of the risks and corresponding mitigation actions following the General Assemblies. This WP prepared the Data Management plan and the Intellectual Property Rights agreement. WP1 has been in charge of the creation of an Ecosystem Community of Practice and of linking ECOPOTENTIAL and the GEO community, and particularly has supported the GEO Ecosystem Task.

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